Site Policy
Site Policy
The Soka Gakkai (hereinafter known as “the Gakkai”) is the exclusive proprietor and operator of its Headquarters Complex website, (hereinafter known as “this Site”). Having acknowledged this, viewers are asked to agree to the terms of use described below.
In addition, the Gakkai reserves the right in principle to alter and/or delete any information provided in this Site without prior notice.
1) Copyrights
The Gakkai holds exclusive copyrights to the text, still photographs, audio, video and other data that appear on this Site, unless otherwise stipulated as the intellectual property of a specific third-party copyright and/or trademark. Distribution to a third party of said text, photograph, audio, video or other data on the Site is prohibited without express written consent of the Gakkai. Image-mirroring of the information on this Site’s server and/or its alteration is not permitted without express written consent of the Gakkai; the same restriction extends to the reuse of the text, still photograph, video, audio or other data on the Site.
2) Prohibited Acts and Disclaimer
One of our highest priorities for users to view this Site as freely and conveniently as possible. However, in order to prevent acts that seek to undermine and/or damage the public reputation of the Gakkai, Prohibited Acts and Disclaimer have been established.
Prohibited Acts
Acts that are likely to and/or will cause harm to a third party or the Gakkai, be they physical or material, or infringe upon the privacy of said parties.
Acts that are likely to prove and/or will be detrimental or injurious to a third party or the Gakkai.
Acts that are likely to and/or will disrupt public disorder.
Acts that are likely to incite and/or prove to be criminal conduct.
Falsified statements and/or notices, as well as acts that are likely to lead to such improprieties.
Business activities and acts to gain profit for a specific party, as well as preparations to achieve such ends.
Acts that are likely to and/or result in injury to the prestige as well as trust and confidence a third party or the Gakkai.
Acts that are likely to and/or promote the use of such malicious programs as computer viruses against this Site, its operation and any damage or injury such acts may subsequently cause as a result.
Acts that are likely to and/or violate the laws, regulations and ordinances of Japan.
Acts in line with those cited above that the Gakkai deems as inappropriate and counter to its aims.
While the Gakkai strives to ensure the veracity of the information presented on this Site, this does not represent a blanket guarantee of the accuracy, validity or security (including computer viruses) of that information. The Gakkai disavows any responsibility or liability for any damage, difficulty or loss resulting from the use of this Site and/or the information it provides. Nor will the Gakkai be held liable or responsible, regardless of reason or context, for modifying the information presented on this Site as well as the interruption and/or termination of its operations. A viewer visiting another website linked to this Site should abide by the rules established by that website for its regulation. In addition, the Gakkai disavows any and all liability and responsibility for damage or loss incurred from visiting a website linked to this Site.
Additional Notices
Please be aware that the content and/or URL of this Site may be modified and/or deleted without advance notice. This Site’s Primary Terms of Use may also be subject to change without warning, and viewers are asked to abide by the modified term(s).
Protection of Personal Information
Exceptions to the aforementioned safeguards are made for newsgathering media, literary profession, academic research institutes, religious organizations and political groups in order to engage in their basic activities and to protect the various freedoms they are entitled to under the Japanese constitution, when handling personal information.
However, these entities bear a self-imposed obligation to adopt mechanisms to ensure the security of personal data, process in a fair and appropriate manner complaints and other responses, as well as to publically disclose these mechanisms while engaging in their basic activities.
The Gakkai, as a religious organization, has been committed to ensuring that the personal information of its members and the privacy of their data are protected in the most appropriate manner. As part of this commitment, the Gakkai has conducted programs to train and educate employees of its religious corporation as well as leaders of the general membership.
In upholding the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in both letter and spirit, the Gakkai has established the following Articles to safeguard the privacy and personal information of its individual members as well as viewers of this Site. As part of a longstanding initiative to fully meet its social responsibilities, the Gakkai will continue striving to live up to the expectations and trust placed on it from its members and from those individuals and institutions that cooperate with the Gakkai in various activities and initiatives (hereinafter known as “Activities”).
The Gakkai seeks to acquire in an appropriate manner and use personal information to engage in Activities enabling it to achieve the objectives stated in the Soka Gakkai Rules and Regulations as well as its Articles of Incorporation.
A) Management System
The Gakkai will designate a Personal Information Management Officer (PIMO) to ensure that all data pertaining to personal information shall be safeguarded under centralized supervision.
B) A Personal Information Manager (PIM) shall be designated in the Gakkai organization, from the national and prefectural to local levels, to safeguard said data.
C) A Personal Information Management Office shall be established under the PIMO to achieve this end in an appropriate manner.
The Gakkai shall institute the following Security Initiatives to ensure that personal data will not be leaked, lost or corrupted:
A) Prepare and implement internal controls to safeguard personal data
B) Create a personal data management manual
C) Develop security standards to select a third-party vendor to manage personal data
D) Adopt and conduct programs to train and educate employees of the Gakkai as a religious corporation as well as leaders at all levels of its nationwide membership
E) Restrict access of personal data only to authorized personnel
F) Provide personnel with authorized access with ID and password protocols
G) Engage in continuous improvements to enhance the security levels of the personal data management system
H) Effective and secure isolation of personal data management system from external networks
In the event that the Gakkai will outsource one part of or, if necessary, the entirety of its personal data to a third-party vendor, then that vendor must meet strict security protocols as established by the Gakkai to safeguard said data. The Gakkai will also be responsible for supervising the vendor to the degree that is required and appropriate.
A) The Gakkai shall not seek to acquire personal information from a viewer or member that exceeds what is necessary to achieve the purpose of use without his or her express consent. Nor shall the Gakkai provide a third party with said data.
B) The restrictions imposed by Clause A above will NOT apply should they fall under the following conditions:
ii) If said restrictions involve the safeguarding of human life, physical health and/or material assets, and consent from the person in question cannot, for valid reasons, be ascertained
iii) If said restrictions are necessary to promote public health and/or the sound development of minors, and consent from the person in question cannot, for valid reasons, be ascertained
iv) If the Gakkai must cooperate with an agency of the state or local government and/or individual or group entrusted by the state or local government to execute their public duties, and if obtaining consent from the person in question will obstruct the execution of said public duties
The Gakkai will comply with a request to disclose personal data, its revision, addition, deletion, use, halt to it being provided to a third party and its erasure, after thorough examination of the effect said request will have on the uninterrupted conduct of the Gakkai’s Activities, as well as on the privacy of its members and on the rights and interests of parties that are relevant to the disclosure only if said request is deemed valid after thorough examination
If in the event that personal information is leaked, then the Gakkai will respond by promptly taking the necessary and appropriate measures, and work to ensure that such breaches will never occur again
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